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Amazing flights have started from Camphill

Glider pilots have been flying from Camphill since 1936. In that time, some remarkable flights have taken place, showing just what can be achieved in a glider.

Scenes from Camphill in the late 1930s, including the National Meetings in 1936 and 1937, the latter featuring a visit from the German pilot Hanna Reitsch.

There are also aerial shots, and footage of the Slingsby Gull II glider and the Golden Wren.

Click the image to go through to the BFIPlayer’s website to view the video of our Camphill Farm in it’s early years.

Today, we offer a great place to experience glider flight or to learn to fly.

Drawing on over 85 years’ experience of flying gliders and teaching people to glide, we have developed an extensive knowledge of flying in the Peak District.

Whilst our ‘safety first’ attitude underpins everything we do, we provide a supportive and welcoming environment for everyone.

We are here for you, whether you want to learn to fly, or are already a glider pilot who wants to enjoy flying from our beautiful location, using the rich variety of lift available to us.

With excellent on-site accommodation, catering and social facilities, we have all bases covered.