Fly with us at Camphill and be a part of the family at the only gliding club in the Peak District
At DLGC, we pride ourselves with our legacy as, since 1935, we have been the only gliding club in Derbyshire.
We are a family of glider pilots, instructors and support personnel, with the experience and facilities to provide insight, educate and inspire you to develop your skills as a pilot, mechanic and member of our community here at Derbyshire & Lancashire Gliding Club.
Pilots learning to fly at Camphill will be highly trained and well respected, becoming skilled to fly at almost any other gliding site in the country without further instruction.

Although the club is known as a hill-top ridge site, you will learn to exploit thermals and wave lift as well. In the right conditions, it is possible to experience all three forms of lift in a single flight, staying aloft for hours if you choose!
We operate almost every day, so your membership gives you access to year-round training and gliding. Fly as much as you have time for!
Another benefit of becoming a part of our community, is access to our fully equipped, modern workshop.
Our team and other members will be on hand to assist you in all aspects of glider maintenance.
Even when the weather doesn’t allow for extended soaring or in-flight training, instruction is available in the clubhouse briefing room.
Our modern and highly immersive three-screen flight simulator, also located in the clubhouse in its own dedicated room, enables realistic glider flight training without leaving the ground.
So if you can’t get airborne, you can still take the to skies to progress your training, whether pre-solo or advancing cross country skills.